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A Framework for Narrative Forensic Interviewing of School Shooting Survivors: Building the Foundation of the Framework on School Shooting Survivors' Narratives

A Framework for Narrative Forensic Interviewing of School Shooting Survivors: Building the Foundation of the Framework on School Shooting Survivors' Narratives

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
ISBN13: 9781668482711|ISBN10: 1668482711|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668482759|EISBN13: 9781668482728
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8271-1.ch008
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Mudd-Fegett, Kimberly. "A Framework for Narrative Forensic Interviewing of School Shooting Survivors: Building the Foundation of the Framework on School Shooting Survivors' Narratives." Addressing Violence in the U.S. Public School System, edited by Jeffrey D. Herron, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 158-176.


Mudd-Fegett, K. (2023). A Framework for Narrative Forensic Interviewing of School Shooting Survivors: Building the Foundation of the Framework on School Shooting Survivors' Narratives. In J. Herron, S. Sartin, & J. Budd (Eds.), Addressing Violence in the U.S. Public School System (pp. 158-176). IGI Global.


Mudd-Fegett, Kimberly. "A Framework for Narrative Forensic Interviewing of School Shooting Survivors: Building the Foundation of the Framework on School Shooting Survivors' Narratives." In Addressing Violence in the U.S. Public School System, edited by Jeffrey D. Herron, Sharon R. Sartin, and Joseph Budd, 158-176. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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This chapter will present a framework for narrative forensic interviewing that lessens trauma on survivors. To construct the framework, this author interviewed survivors in four states, dating back 25 years. The trauma of those impacted by school shootings has not changed. The pain, the agony, the loss, the sheer fear of having your life destroyed in seconds remains the same. Narrative forensic interviews provide support throughout the interview process. The author's proposed interview framework is a survivor centered approach that considers the need of survivors, conducting the interview in a compassionate manner. Recognizing that healing is a complicated process, involving multiple layers of victimization, guides the transformational interviewing process. By creating partnerships with those impacted by school violence, their voices and experiences become a crucial foundation in in the development of interventions that do not heighten the trauma of survivors.

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