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Life in the Digital World

Life in the Digital World

Tolga Karadas, Tuncay Dilci, Nuray Özge Sagbas
ISBN13: 9781668483978|ISBN10: 1668483971|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668483985|EISBN13: 9781668483992
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8397-8.ch013
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Karadas, Tolga, et al. "Life in the Digital World." Handbook of Research on Perspectives on Society and Technology Addiction, edited by Rengim Sine Nazlı and Gülşah Sari, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 192-216.


Karadas, T., Dilci, T., & Sagbas, N. Ö. (2023). Life in the Digital World. In R. Sine Nazlı & G. Sari (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Perspectives on Society and Technology Addiction (pp. 192-216). IGI Global.


Karadas, Tolga, Tuncay Dilci, and Nuray Özge Sagbas. "Life in the Digital World." In Handbook of Research on Perspectives on Society and Technology Addiction, edited by Rengim Sine Nazlı and Gülşah Sari, 192-216. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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For millions of years, mankind has made countless inventions and discoveries. These inventions are basically designed to facilitate humanity's life and serve humanity. So much so that at the cutting edge of technology, there are devices or virtual environments that can listen to people, talk to them, guide them, communicate with them, read, calculate, remember, remind, play, and do many other things on their behalf. Developments that have completely changed people's living habits have brought along many positive and negative developments. With the development of technology, the most widely used technological development is digital objects and virtual environments. Due to the existence of these objects and environments and the possibilities, diversity, and audiovisual richness they offer to people, many of them have deeply affected our perception of life and lifestyle. The basis of these effects is dependent on these devices and environments.

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