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Examining Teachers' Perspectives on Equitable Digital Education: A Case Study on Delivering High-Quality and Inclusive Learning Experiences in Special Education

Examining Teachers' Perspectives on Equitable Digital Education: A Case Study on Delivering High-Quality and Inclusive Learning Experiences in Special Education

ISBN13: 9781668485040|ISBN10: 1668485044|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668485088|EISBN13: 9781668485057
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8504-0.ch005
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Efthymiou, Efthymia. "Examining Teachers' Perspectives on Equitable Digital Education: A Case Study on Delivering High-Quality and Inclusive Learning Experiences in Special Education." Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs, edited by Efthymia Efthymiou, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 97-130.


Efthymiou, E. (2023). Examining Teachers' Perspectives on Equitable Digital Education: A Case Study on Delivering High-Quality and Inclusive Learning Experiences in Special Education. In E. Efthymiou (Ed.), Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs (pp. 97-130). IGI Global.


Efthymiou, Efthymia. "Examining Teachers' Perspectives on Equitable Digital Education: A Case Study on Delivering High-Quality and Inclusive Learning Experiences in Special Education." In Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs, edited by Efthymia Efthymiou, 97-130. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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In an era of advancing digital education, ensuring equal access to high-quality learning experiences for students with special needs poses a significant challenge. This chapter investigates the teachers' perspectives on the provision of inclusive, accessible, and exceptional digital education to these students. Drawing from qualitative analysis of interviews with teachers in a general education school, the study delves into the obstacles encountered when implementing digital technology. Themes such as limited resources, insufficient training, and the necessity for technical support emerged, shedding light on the need to overcome these barriers for effective classroom implementation. The special and general education teachers stress the importance of accessible tools, equitable technology access, navigating learning curves, integrating digital practices, and empowering students to use technology inclusively and proficiently.

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