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Sustainable Marketing and People Behavior for Enhanced Governance

Sustainable Marketing and People Behavior for Enhanced Governance

Kotigari Reddi Swaroop, Surendar Gade
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 21
ISBN13: 9781668497111|ISBN10: 1668497115|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668497128|EISBN13: 9781668497135
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9711-1.ch013
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Swaroop, Kotigari Reddi, and Surendar Gade. "Sustainable Marketing and People Behavior for Enhanced Governance." Leadership and Governance for Sustainability, edited by Neeta Baporikar, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 242-262.


Swaroop, K. R. & Gade, S. (2023). Sustainable Marketing and People Behavior for Enhanced Governance. In N. Baporikar (Ed.), Leadership and Governance for Sustainability (pp. 242-262). IGI Global.


Swaroop, Kotigari Reddi, and Surendar Gade. "Sustainable Marketing and People Behavior for Enhanced Governance." In Leadership and Governance for Sustainability, edited by Neeta Baporikar, 242-262. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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The promotion of environmentally and socially responsible products, processes, and brand values is what is meant by the term “sustainable marketing.” The momentum behind the push for more sustainable corporate practices is picking up speed. There is a growing awareness (in many parts of the world, at least) that addressing the issues related to the climate crisis, the extinction of species, pollution caused by plastics, inequality, as well as delivering on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals task that is essential not only for policymakers and the general public but also for the long-term health and survival of businesses. The present chapter identifies the gap that connects sustainable marketing of companies and sustainable consumer behavior with good governance that helps to achieve sustainability. The framework is also provided by considering the companies, people, and governance together. The question of how to develop global sustainable consumption patterns is also dealt with and responded to in the chapter.

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