Attracting Early Career Talent

Attracting Early Career Talent

ISBN13: 9781668498279|ISBN10: 1668498278|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668498316|EISBN13: 9781668498286
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9827-9.ch005
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William E. Donald. "Attracting Early Career Talent." Strategic Opportunities for Bridging the University-Employer Divide, IGI Global, 2024, pp.114-141.


W. Donald (2024). Attracting Early Career Talent. IGI Global.


William E. Donald. "Attracting Early Career Talent." In Strategic Opportunities for Bridging the University-Employer Divide. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2024.

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This chapter focuses on attracting early career talent, which is essential for organizational and career ecosystem sustainability. The chapter begins with an overview of Generation Z and Industry 4.0, including consideration of graduate migration patterns and holistic identity formation. Next, the authors explore the challenges of attracting early career talent, including (i) war for talent and skills shortages, (ii) attracting diverse applicants, (iii) mental health, wellbeing, and flexible working, and (iv) corporate citizenship via social and environmental impacts. Then, opportunities for attracting early career talent are presented, comprising (i) early and ongoing engagement, (ii) authentic branding, values, and culture, and (iii) compensation, benefits, and development opportunities. The chapter concludes with four lived experience insights highlighting challenges to attracting early career talent and pragmatic strategies to address them.

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