Climate Change and Humans With a Cyborg Scientific Theory Approach

Climate Change and Humans With a Cyborg Scientific Theory Approach

Fatma Aydogmus
ISBN13: 9781668498637|ISBN10: 1668498634|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369347515|EISBN13: 9781668498644
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9863-7.ch019
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Aydogmus, Fatma. "Climate Change and Humans With a Cyborg Scientific Theory Approach." Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience, edited by Kasturi Shukla, et al., IGI Global, 2024, pp. 386-399.


Aydogmus, F. (2024). Climate Change and Humans With a Cyborg Scientific Theory Approach. In K. Shukla, Y. Patil, R. Estoque, & P. López de Haro (Eds.), Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience (pp. 386-399). IGI Global.


Aydogmus, Fatma. "Climate Change and Humans With a Cyborg Scientific Theory Approach." In Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience, edited by Kasturi Shukla, et al., 386-399. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2024.

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The signs of climate change are increasing rapidly. There is no doubt that an irreversible transformation that may occur in climate change will have important consequences for our world's habitat. The effects that may occur from the global economy to social and human structures are closely followed by scientists, and theories and models are tried to be produced on what may happen. In addition, it is tried to predict the effects of climate change on the quality of life (QoL) of individuals and communities. In this book chapter, the signs of global climate change and their causes will be summarized, and whether the temporal evolution of climate change that has taken place throughout world history is chaotic or not will be examined. The conditions for the emergence of this evolution process after the chaos caused by global warming will be discussed. Climate change and its possible effects will be examined within the framework of a cyborg science theory, which is put forward as the postmodern science of the future.

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