Role of Mindfulness-Meditation Practices in Cognitive Functions at the Workplace: A Neuroscientific Perspective

Role of Mindfulness-Meditation Practices in Cognitive Functions at the Workplace: A Neuroscientific Perspective

Bishal Patangia, Sampreeti Sarkar, Janis Maria Antony
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 30
ISBN13: 9798369326510|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369347478|EISBN13: 9798369326527
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2651-0.ch010
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Patangia, Bishal, et al. "Role of Mindfulness-Meditation Practices in Cognitive Functions at the Workplace: A Neuroscientific Perspective." Promoting Mindfulness and Well-Being with Indian Psychology, edited by Anuradha Sathiyaseelan and Sathiyaseelan Balasundaram, IGI Global, 2024, pp. 152-181.


Patangia, B., Sarkar, S., & Antony, J. M. (2024). Role of Mindfulness-Meditation Practices in Cognitive Functions at the Workplace: A Neuroscientific Perspective. In A. Sathiyaseelan & S. Balasundaram (Eds.), Promoting Mindfulness and Well-Being with Indian Psychology (pp. 152-181). IGI Global.


Patangia, Bishal, Sampreeti Sarkar, and Janis Maria Antony. "Role of Mindfulness-Meditation Practices in Cognitive Functions at the Workplace: A Neuroscientific Perspective." In Promoting Mindfulness and Well-Being with Indian Psychology, edited by Anuradha Sathiyaseelan and Sathiyaseelan Balasundaram, 152-181. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2024.

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Practices of mindfulness and meditation have drawn a lot of attention recently, both inside and outside of traditional Eastern cultural contexts. An extensive investigation of the effects of mindfulness and meditation activities on cognitive abilities at work is provided in this chapter. The study synthesizes literature to show the varied impacts of various activities, with a focus on attention, memory, decision-making, and executive functioning. It shows their potential to improve cognitive performance at work by examining their impact across cognitive domains, such as attentional concentration, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. By investigating neuroscientific basis using methods like fMRI and EEG, the inquiry goes into the fundamental neurological systems. The study also reveals moderating factors that affect how mindfulness therapies relate to cognitive results. Findings highlight how mindfulness and meditation activities might improve cognitive processes in circumstances when they are used professionally.

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