Chronicles of the Metro Atlanta P-20 Collaborative

Chronicles of the Metro Atlanta P-20 Collaborative

Felicia Moss Mayfield
ISBN13: 9781799832850|ISBN10: 1799832856|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799832867|EISBN13: 9781799832874
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3285-0.ch011
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Mayfield, Felicia Moss. "Chronicles of the Metro Atlanta P-20 Collaborative." Cases on Strategic Partnerships for Resilient Communities and Schools, edited by Ursula Thomas, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 169-191.


Mayfield, F. M. (2020). Chronicles of the Metro Atlanta P-20 Collaborative. In U. Thomas (Ed.), Cases on Strategic Partnerships for Resilient Communities and Schools (pp. 169-191). IGI Global.


Mayfield, Felicia Moss. "Chronicles of the Metro Atlanta P-20 Collaborative." In Cases on Strategic Partnerships for Resilient Communities and Schools, edited by Ursula Thomas, 169-191. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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The purpose of this chapter is to capture and chronicle four years of intense work involving the Metro Atlanta P-20 Collaborative. One of nine groups carved out and designated in Georgia, the Metro Atlanta P-20 focused on effective educator preparation. It aimed to lead to quality instruction for P-12 students based on a mutually beneficial partnership between P-12 schools and the colleges and universities that prepare their teachers. This case study will be helpful for replication when examining innovative methodologies in bridging the gap between schools and institutions of higher learning, especially with respect to educator preparation. Additionally, the work occurred within a professional learning community framework. Therefore, it provides a case study modeling productivity within this protocol.

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