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Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Evaluations of Technology Tools for Mathematical Learning: A Reflective Model

Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Evaluations of Technology Tools for Mathematical Learning: A Reflective Model

Christopher J. Johnston
ISBN13: 9781615208975|ISBN10: 1615208976|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781616923327|EISBN13: 9781615208982
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-897-5.ch015
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Johnston, Christopher J. "Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Evaluations of Technology Tools for Mathematical Learning: A Reflective Model." Technology Implementation and Teacher Education: Reflective Models, edited by Junko Yamamoto, et al., IGI Global, 2010, pp. 258-276.


Johnston, C. J. (2010). Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Evaluations of Technology Tools for Mathematical Learning: A Reflective Model. In J. Yamamoto, J. Kush, R. Lombard, & C. Hertzog (Eds.), Technology Implementation and Teacher Education: Reflective Models (pp. 258-276). IGI Global.


Johnston, Christopher J. "Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Evaluations of Technology Tools for Mathematical Learning: A Reflective Model." In Technology Implementation and Teacher Education: Reflective Models, edited by Junko Yamamoto, et al., 258-276. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010.

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Pre-service elementary teachers are faced with numerous technology tools which can be incorporated into their mathematics lesson plans. However, these teachers may not be experienced in evaluating technology tools for mathematical learning prior to using them. This chapter presents a reflective model for mathematics teacher educators. In a three-part activity, pre-service elementary teachers identify their criteria for evaluating technology tools, evaluate several technology tools according to their own criteria, and make recommendations for or against those technology tools. As pre-service elementary teachers reflect upon the criteria they feel are essential for evaluating technology tools, they begin to identify the specific affordances and limitations of the technology tools. This chapter describes this three-part activity by placing it within the context of a model for mathematics teacher education.

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