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Leadership Perspectives on the Global Market for Corporate Control

Leadership Perspectives on the Global Market for Corporate Control

Kathleen Marshall Park
ISBN13: 9781466600775|ISBN10: 1466600772|EISBN13: 9781466600782
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0077-5.ch022
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Park, Kathleen Marshall. "Leadership Perspectives on the Global Market for Corporate Control." Service Science Research, Strategy and Innovation: Dynamic Knowledge Management Methods, edited by N. Delener, IGI Global, 2012, pp. 377-399.


Park, K. M. (2012). Leadership Perspectives on the Global Market for Corporate Control. In N. Delener (Ed.), Service Science Research, Strategy and Innovation: Dynamic Knowledge Management Methods (pp. 377-399). IGI Global.


Park, Kathleen Marshall. "Leadership Perspectives on the Global Market for Corporate Control." In Service Science Research, Strategy and Innovation: Dynamic Knowledge Management Methods, edited by N. Delener, 377-399. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2012.

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This chapter discusses the latest leadership perspectives on mergers and acquisitions, which represent a simultaneously established and expanding phenomenon known as the global market for corporate control. Worldwide traffic in mergers and acquisitions totaled over USD12 trillion in the last century, with the first decade of the present millennium already exceeding USD8 trillion in corporate assets exchanged in domestic and international interfirm combinations. The financial prominence of mergers and acquisitions coupled with their intensive and often very invasive impact on shareholders and stakeholders of the transacting firms make the market for corporate control a fruitful context for the renewed exploration and application of strategic management perspectives with a particular focus on service science research.

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