The Techno-Religious Age

The Techno-Religious Age

Susan Ella George
ISBN13: 9781591407140|ISBN10: 1591407141|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781591407157|EISBN13: 9781591407164
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-714-0.ch005
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Susan Ella George. "The Techno-Religious Age." Religion and Technology in the 21st Century: Faith in the E-World, IGI Global, 2006, pp.82-105.


S. George (2006). The Techno-Religious Age. IGI Global.


Susan Ella George. "The Techno-Religious Age." In Religion and Technology in the 21st Century: Faith in the E-World. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2006.

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First, we consider the “spiritual search” that many have found to be foundational to humanity. Religion is foundational to humanity across the world. To some extent, sociology is a “secular panacea” for what classical philosophy called “The religious quest.” The religious, and nonreligious quest is a search for meaning most commonly understood in religious contexts as a search for “god.” In the last decade of the 20th century, a number of authors have recognized that technology is being used for a “spiritual quest.” Increasingly, this is being expressed through the Internet and World Wide Web. The “search beyond Google” represents this human quest for meaning. Even though organised religion may be declining, the religious quest is not necessarily abating. Technology, along with some “alternative” religious expressions, is supporting the present day search.

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