Knowledge, Culture, and Society in the Information Age

Knowledge, Culture, and Society in the Information Age

Pier Cesare Rivoltella
ISBN13: 9781605661162|ISBN10: 1605661163|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781616925741|EISBN13: 9781605661179
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-116-2.ch001
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Cesare Rivoltella, Pier. "Knowledge, Culture, and Society in the Information Age." Selected Readings on Global Information Technology: Contemporary Applications, edited by Hakikur Rahman, IGI Global, 2009, pp. 1-20.


Cesare Rivoltella, P. (2009). Knowledge, Culture, and Society in the Information Age. In H. Rahman (Ed.), Selected Readings on Global Information Technology: Contemporary Applications (pp. 1-20). IGI Global.


Cesare Rivoltella, Pier. "Knowledge, Culture, and Society in the Information Age." In Selected Readings on Global Information Technology: Contemporary Applications, edited by Hakikur Rahman, 1-20. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009.

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Informational society, mainly after the development of online and mobile devices, is changing the forms with which we build our image of the reality. Speed, virtuality, and networking are three of the factors of this change. Speed means that information is circulating faster and faster, but also that it becomes aged very soon, with the necessity of being updated. Virtuality, after its first conceptualizations like a parallel dimension in the 1990s, is nowadays an integral part of our system of relations. Networking, finally, is becoming the main category for interpreting our culture, made of multiple dimensions of sociability, inside and outside the net. Knowledge, in this context, is not yet a truth authenticated; it is, on the contrary, a social activity, a process quite similar to a conversation where each of the discussants is negotiating a point of view. This is the scenario into which modern teachers, parents, and youngsters are acting.

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