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Zhou, Zhibin, et al. "A Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Non-Linear Dominance." IJSIR vol.14, no.3 2023: pp.1-24.


Zhou, Z., Dai, C., & Xue, X. (2023). A Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Non-Linear Dominance. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR), 14(3), 1-24.


Zhou, Zhibin, Cai Dai, and Xingsi Xue. "A Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Non-Linear Dominance," International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) 14, no.3: 1-24.

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A Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Non-Linear Dominance

International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR)

The International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) serves as a forum for facilitating and enhancing the information sharing among swarm intelligence researchers in the field, ranging from algorithm developments to real-world applications. Targeting at researchers, academicians, students, and engineers, this journal provides innovative findings in swarm intelligence, evolutionary computation, computational intelligence, optimization techniques, and their applications.

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