Organization and Evaluation of Experimental Measurements of Ergophysiological Data with the Method of SF12V2

Organization and Evaluation of Experimental Measurements of Ergophysiological Data with the Method of SF12V2

Bill Ag Drougas, Maria Sevdali
ISBN13: 9781605660028|ISBN10: 1605660027|EISBN13: 9781605660035
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-002-8.ch033
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Drougas, Bill Ag, and Maria Sevdali. "Organization and Evaluation of Experimental Measurements of Ergophysiological Data with the Method of SF12V2." Handbook of Research on Distributed Medical Informatics and E-Health, edited by Athina A. Lazakidou and Konstantinos M. Siassiakos, IGI Global, 2009, pp. 470-477.


Drougas, B. A. & Sevdali, M. (2009). Organization and Evaluation of Experimental Measurements of Ergophysiological Data with the Method of SF12V2. In A. Lazakidou & K. Siassiakos (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Distributed Medical Informatics and E-Health (pp. 470-477). IGI Global.


Drougas, Bill Ag, and Maria Sevdali. "Organization and Evaluation of Experimental Measurements of Ergophysiological Data with the Method of SF12V2." In Handbook of Research on Distributed Medical Informatics and E-Health, edited by Athina A. Lazakidou and Konstantinos M. Siassiakos, 470-477. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009.

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Ergophysiology as a division of the Physiology and helps us today to understand what happens in the human body and movement and how we are able to create models and methodologies to understand these mechanisms especially when we recognize something different and or any disability. Focuses on the human Biokinetics and the ability of the human body to create movement with various mechanisms and methods. These mechanisms are Biological, Chemical and Physical mechanisms and is the most important part of the human body and life. There are many problems today existed from various internal or external conditions and parameters for the human movement. If we’ll recognize these problems we will be able to create methodologies to work in to serious scientific directions to help these people. These problems sometimes are very big and very important for the daily person’s life especially with the existence of various other pathological problems in to the modern environment. Many of these problems give us informations about the personal kinetic ability status of any person. With the application of this statistical method of SF12V2 we are able organize and select a lot of personal information from different persons and to recognize different problems in to their own daily life. There are a numerous of recognized similar problems today about the daily kinetics ability level in to different ages. We can recognize the personal health level and the kinetics ability of different persons with some statistical tools and methods. One of these tools is the SF12V2 statistical method. This is a very important tool to organize the selected data from various individuals and to take informations about their health and kinetics ability level using simply ergophysiological research methodologies. This one helps us to recognize every parameter in to the personal daily life activities and work inside or outside their family life or in to their job.Asking people we can take much information about their kinetic ability and their health level. The importance of this method is that the SF12V2 tool helps us to organize the answers for any similar existed problem and also to organize the experimental measurements of other Ergophysilogical data. SF12V2 helps us to recognize problems in to any level age or to search for individuals with any personal disability or any kinetic problem. In this chapter we analyze the special and newest methods used from the SF12V2 tools as we worked in the last year in Greece to recognize different problems in to many individuals. This Statistical methodology is very simple but still with a lot of different applications such as the Ergophysiology and the different levels of health.

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