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Exploring Accommodation Cluster and Tourism Development Based on GPS Positioning and GIS Analysis

Exploring Accommodation Cluster and Tourism Development Based on GPS Positioning and GIS Analysis

Ya-Hui Hsueh, Yi-Ling Lin
Copyright: © 2018 |Volume: 7 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 15
EISBN13: 9781522545927|ISSN: 2640-4109|EISSN: 2640-4125|DOI: 10.4018/IJEUCD.2018070102
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Hsueh, Ya-Hui, and Yi-Ling Lin. "Exploring Accommodation Cluster and Tourism Development Based on GPS Positioning and GIS Analysis." IJEUCD vol.7, no.2 2018: pp.21-35.


Hsueh, Y. & Lin, Y. (2018). Exploring Accommodation Cluster and Tourism Development Based on GPS Positioning and GIS Analysis. International Journal of End-User Computing and Development (IJEUCD), 7(2), 21-35.


Hsueh, Ya-Hui, and Yi-Ling Lin. "Exploring Accommodation Cluster and Tourism Development Based on GPS Positioning and GIS Analysis," International Journal of End-User Computing and Development (IJEUCD) 7, no.2: 21-35.

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This research aims to locate a set of points of B&B accommodations on a coffee cultivation area by using GPS positioning and GIS spatial analysis for responding to Porter's concept of industry cluster and to analyze the locational factors of B&B accommodation. Due to the coffee attractiveness, the B&B lodging establishments have sprung up in the area like mushrooms to service more and more tourists for the past 20 years. The spatial cluster of B&B establishments is displayed by specifying a set of GPS positioning points on different GIS raster surfaces to process point density analysis, buffer analysis and terrain analysis. To explore the locational characteristic of B&B establishments, overlay analysis is processed to examine the terrain, landscape, accessibility and tourist attractiveness factors. Instead of focusing on innovation atmosphere, knowledge intensive and technology transfer of new industry cluster factors, this research emphasizes traditional cluster concept of geography proximity on the benefits of agriculture and tourism linkage to available of tourist foods.

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