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Islamic Education and Islamic Affinities in Precolonial West Africa

Islamic Education and Islamic Affinities in Precolonial West Africa

Ibrahima Diallo
ISBN13: 9781522585282|ISBN10: 1522585281|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522585299|EISBN13: 9781522585305
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8528-2.ch009
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Diallo, Ibrahima. "Islamic Education and Islamic Affinities in Precolonial West Africa." Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Paths in Islamic Education, edited by Miftachul Huda, et al., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 164-177.


Diallo, I. (2020). Islamic Education and Islamic Affinities in Precolonial West Africa. In M. Huda, J. Safar, A. Mohamed, K. Jasmi, & B. Basiron (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Paths in Islamic Education (pp. 164-177). IGI Global.


Diallo, Ibrahima. "Islamic Education and Islamic Affinities in Precolonial West Africa." In Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Paths in Islamic Education, edited by Miftachul Huda, et al., 164-177. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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Evidence shows that in pre-colonial West Africa, Islamic education played a significant role following conversion of West Africans to Islam because of its impact on all spheres of life. With the establishment of theocratic states and communities, Islamic learning centers emerged to spread Islamic education and consolidate the Islamic way of life in West Africa. In this vast region where people of different ethnic, linguistic, and religious backgrounds lived and interacted for trade and commerce, Islamic education fostered Islamic affinities constructed on the universalism of Islam and Islamic injunction to form Muslim brotherhood and create the Ummah.

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