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MOOCs in the Language Classroom: Using MOOCs as Complementary Materials to Support Self-Regulated Language Learning

MOOCs in the Language Classroom: Using MOOCs as Complementary Materials to Support Self-Regulated Language Learning

Barbara Conde Gafaro
ISBN13: 9781799810971|ISBN10: 1799810976|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799810988|EISBN13: 9781799810995
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1097-1.ch009
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Gafaro, Barbara Conde. "MOOCs in the Language Classroom: Using MOOCs as Complementary Materials to Support Self-Regulated Language Learning." Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning, edited by Alberto Andujar, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 194-211.


Gafaro, B. C. (2020). MOOCs in the Language Classroom: Using MOOCs as Complementary Materials to Support Self-Regulated Language Learning. In A. Andujar (Ed.), Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning (pp. 194-211). IGI Global.


Gafaro, Barbara Conde. "MOOCs in the Language Classroom: Using MOOCs as Complementary Materials to Support Self-Regulated Language Learning." In Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning, edited by Alberto Andujar, 194-211. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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In this chapter, the author discusses the role of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the field of foreign language education. It examines the relationship between MOOCs and self-regulated learning, and goes on to explore the repurposing of content-based MOOCs as complementary materials to foster students' self-regulated behaviour and practice of the target language inside and out the language classroom. A research project that has explored self-regulated language learning in a blended context with content-based MOOCs is also discussed here, with particular reference to the self-regulatory strategies employed by a group of language students at University level. A series of recommendations that supports the use of content-based MOOCs as part of face-to-face language courses are provided at the end of this chapter.

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