Managing Uncertainties in Design Alternatives of EOL Products With Fractional Disassembly Yields

Managing Uncertainties in Design Alternatives of EOL Products With Fractional Disassembly Yields

Aditi D. Joshi, Surendra M. Gupta
Copyright: © 2021 |Volume: 8 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 23
EISBN13: 9781522567462|ISSN: 2641-0923|EISSN: 2641-0931|DOI: 10.4018/IJQCSSE.286158
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Joshi, Aditi D., and Surendra M. Gupta. "Managing Uncertainties in Design Alternatives of EOL Products With Fractional Disassembly Yields." IJQCSSE vol.8, no.1 2021: pp.25-47.


Joshi, A. D. & Gupta, S. M. (2021). Managing Uncertainties in Design Alternatives of EOL Products With Fractional Disassembly Yields. International Journal of Quality Control and Standards in Science and Engineering (IJQCSSE), 8(1), 25-47.


Joshi, Aditi D., and Surendra M. Gupta. "Managing Uncertainties in Design Alternatives of EOL Products With Fractional Disassembly Yields," International Journal of Quality Control and Standards in Science and Engineering (IJQCSSE) 8, no.1: 25-47.

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This paper proposes a model of an advanced remanufacturing to order and disassembly to order (ARTODTO) system which evaluates various design alternatives of products to satisfy the demands of retrieved products, components, and materials by disassembling these products at the end of their lives. The quality, quantity, and variety of end-of-life (EOL) products are uncertain which leads to fractional disassembly yields. Goal programming is used to determine the quantities of EOL products to be acquired in order to meet all the demands of retrieved products, components, and materials. A case example of EOL dryers is presented to demonstrate the steps and implementation of the proposed model.

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