An Exploration of the Servant Leadership Literature in Connection with the US Fire Department Leadership Practices and Behaviors

An Exploration of the Servant Leadership Literature in Connection with the US Fire Department Leadership Practices and Behaviors

Reginald D. Freeman
ISSN: 2471-1047|EISSN: 2471-1055|EISBN13: 9781683183112|DOI: 10.4018/IJPPPHCE.309405
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Freeman, Reginald D. "An Exploration of the Servant Leadership Literature in Connection with the US Fire Department Leadership Practices and Behaviors." IJPPPHCE vol.6, no.1 2022: pp.1-22.


Freeman, R. D. (2022). An Exploration of the Servant Leadership Literature in Connection with the US Fire Department Leadership Practices and Behaviors. International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (IJPPPHCE), 6(1), 1-22.


Freeman, Reginald D. "An Exploration of the Servant Leadership Literature in Connection with the US Fire Department Leadership Practices and Behaviors," International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (IJPPPHCE) 6, no.1: 1-22.

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This article uses a content analysis exploration of the literature to explore Servant leadership as a viable leadership model for U.S. fire department leaders and supervisors. Despite the importance of leadership to the paramilitary structure of the fire service, career fire department leaders do not generally receive mandated leadership training or knowledge of existing leadership theories that might assist them in their roles as leaders. Instead, in the fire services, leadership reflects the amount of time that career fire department officers have spent within the system. Servant leadership emphasizes the development of individuals so that the organization can become better and more productive.

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