New Forms of Reading and Writing: Cell Phone Novels

New Forms of Reading and Writing: Cell Phone Novels

Adams B. Bodomo
ISBN13: 9781605668680|ISBN10: 1605668680|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781616924324|EISBN13: 9781605668697
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-868-0.ch008
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Adams B. Bodomo. "New Forms of Reading and Writing: Cell Phone Novels." Computer-Mediated Communication for Linguistics and Literacy: Technology and Natural Language Education, IGI Global, 2010, pp.199-222.


A. Bodomo (2010). New Forms of Reading and Writing: Cell Phone Novels. IGI Global.


Adams B. Bodomo. "New Forms of Reading and Writing: Cell Phone Novels." In Computer-Mediated Communication for Linguistics and Literacy: Technology and Natural Language Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010.

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“This is the story of Rita, who carries a vital piece of information on which depends the future of India. It is written by RoGue, but controlled by you. The author keeps landing her in trouble and only you can save her. After each chapter, predict what RoGue’s going to do next and upset his plans. Suggest an alternate course for the story, via comments, and fight the author. Download Chapters I-XV and start playing.” The above quotation is an online introduction to a novel titled Cloakroom at the following website: html (retrieved, July 7, 2008). Cloakroom is widely regarded as India’s first cell phone novel or mobile phone novel, a kind of writing that seems to have been largely ignored by the established literary world but that has been gaining widespread popularity among the youth, especially young users of the internet in places like Japan, China, and India.

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