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Engaging Citizens on the Internet: An Assessment of Local Governments in Ohio

Engaging Citizens on the Internet: An Assessment of Local Governments in Ohio

Mark K. Cassell, John A. Hoornbeek
Copyright: © 2010 |Volume: 6 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 18
ISSN: 1548-3886|EISSN: 1548-3894|EISBN13: 9781609603908|DOI: 10.4018/jegr.2010040105
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Cassell, Mark K., and John A. Hoornbeek. "Engaging Citizens on the Internet: An Assessment of Local Governments in Ohio." IJEGR vol.6, no.2 2010: pp.68-85.


Cassell, M. K. & Hoornbeek, J. A. (2010). Engaging Citizens on the Internet: An Assessment of Local Governments in Ohio. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 6(2), 68-85.


Cassell, Mark K., and John A. Hoornbeek. "Engaging Citizens on the Internet: An Assessment of Local Governments in Ohio," International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 6, no.2: 68-85.

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This article presents empirical results relating to citizen-government relations on the internet that are based on an assessment of the World Wide Web presence of 428 local governments in northeast Ohio. Northeast Ohio provides a useful picture of E-government-citizen relationships because it includes a range of local government forms (counties, townships, etc.), urban and rural populations, and Midwestern influences that many consider “typical” of American states. The website reviews conducted assess citizen-government engagement in a variety of areas. The measures used include simple engagements like the ability to sign up for email updates and the presence of event calendars to more involved interactions, such as blogs, e-pay services, and open records requests. Using these measures, the authors assess citizen-government engagement among local governments in the sample

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