Insuring Self-Direction and Flexibility in Distance Learning for Adults: Using Contracts

Insuring Self-Direction and Flexibility in Distance Learning for Adults: Using Contracts

Mary C. Ware
ISBN13: 9781616929060|ISBN10: 1616929065|EISBN13: 9781616929077
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61692-906-0.ch020
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Ware, Mary C. "Insuring Self-Direction and Flexibility in Distance Learning for Adults: Using Contracts." Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technologies and Adult Education Integration, edited by Viktor Wang, IGI Global, 2011, pp. 322-336.


Ware, M. C. (2011). Insuring Self-Direction and Flexibility in Distance Learning for Adults: Using Contracts. In V. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technologies and Adult Education Integration (pp. 322-336). IGI Global.


Ware, Mary C. "Insuring Self-Direction and Flexibility in Distance Learning for Adults: Using Contracts." In Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technologies and Adult Education Integration, edited by Viktor Wang, 322-336. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2011.

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Distance learning via the internet has become the key to reaching adult learners globally. Adult learners have been shown to benefit from such qualities as: provisions for self-directed learning, flexibility, and frequent communication with the instructor in order to achieve success. Contract learning and contract grading are two innovations popularized during the “individualized instruction” movement of the 1970s which are being used to assist instructors of twenty-first century on-line learning courses in providing for self-direction, flexibility and frequent communication. The chapter which follows will provide an overview of contract learning and contract grading as it can be used with adult learners in distance learning courses (e.g., courses supported by WebCT, Blackboard). The chapter will examine adult learning theories which support contract learning/grading as well as provide information on designing learning contracts and grading contracts which are appropriate for adult learners.

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