Transcriptome-To-Metabolome™ Biosimulation Reveals Human Hippocampal Hypometabolism with Age and Alzheimer’s Disease

Transcriptome-To-Metabolome™ Biosimulation Reveals Human Hippocampal Hypometabolism with Age and Alzheimer’s Disease

Clyde F. Phelix, Richard G. LeBaron, Dawnlee J. Roberson, Rosa E. Villanueva, Greg Villareal, Omid B. Rahimi, Sandra Siedlak, Xiongwei Zhu, George Perry
Copyright: © 2011 |Volume: 2 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 18
ISSN: 1947-9115|EISSN: 1947-9123|EISBN13: 9781613508169|DOI: 10.4018/jkdb.2011040101
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Phelix, Clyde F., et al. "Transcriptome-To-Metabolome™ Biosimulation Reveals Human Hippocampal Hypometabolism with Age and Alzheimer’s Disease." IJKDB vol.2, no.2 2011: pp.1-18.


Phelix, C. F., LeBaron, R. G., Roberson, D. J., Villanueva, R. E., Villareal, G., Rahimi, O. B., Siedlak, S., Zhu, X., & Perry, G. (2011). Transcriptome-To-Metabolome™ Biosimulation Reveals Human Hippocampal Hypometabolism with Age and Alzheimer’s Disease. International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics (IJKDB), 2(2), 1-18.


Phelix, Clyde F., et al. "Transcriptome-To-Metabolome™ Biosimulation Reveals Human Hippocampal Hypometabolism with Age and Alzheimer’s Disease," International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics (IJKDB) 2, no.2: 1-18.

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The authors had validated a proprietary method, Transcriptome-To-Metabolome™ (TTM™) Biosimulation, for using the transcriptome to determine parameters for kinetic biosimulation of 16 core metabolic pathways. In vivo and in silico evidence confirmed that hippocampal cholesterol metabolism decreases with aging and increases with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The molecular studies on aging primate and human hippocampus, including AD samples, provided internal validations on the biosimulations, while evidence from the literature, bibliome, provided external validations. This study extends the investigations with the TTM™ Biosimulations into the changes in these 16 metabolic pathways in aging male human hippocampus and for stages of AD. The authors report robust hippocampal hypometabolism in the fifth to tenth decade of life involving glucose and lipid metabolism in male humans. These findings are validated externally from the bibliome. Several changes in AD are demonstrated to be exaggerations or deviations of very late stage changes of normal aging among these pathways.

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