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MOOCs: Exploiting Networks for the Education of the Masses or Just a Trend?

MOOCs: Exploiting Networks for the Education of the Masses or Just a Trend?

Vanessa Camilleri, Leonard Busuttil, Matthew Montebello
ISBN13: 9781466649040|ISBN10: 1466649046|EISBN13: 9781466649057
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4904-0.ch018
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Camilleri, Vanessa, et al. "MOOCs: Exploiting Networks for the Education of the Masses or Just a Trend?." The Social Classroom: Integrating Social Network Use in Education, edited by Gorg Mallia, IGI Global, 2014, pp. 348-366.


Camilleri, V., Busuttil, L., & Montebello, M. (2014). MOOCs: Exploiting Networks for the Education of the Masses or Just a Trend?. In G. Mallia (Ed.), The Social Classroom: Integrating Social Network Use in Education (pp. 348-366). IGI Global.


Camilleri, Vanessa, Leonard Busuttil, and Matthew Montebello. "MOOCs: Exploiting Networks for the Education of the Masses or Just a Trend?." In The Social Classroom: Integrating Social Network Use in Education, edited by Gorg Mallia, 348-366. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2014.

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MOOCs have become a new trend in education, taking the world by storm in 2012. Is this just a fad or is it because of their nature in opening education to the masses? In this chapter, the authors explore how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) use networks that connect people across the globe to foster education that cannot be replicated in any walled classroom. They illustrate case studies, emphasizing best practice strategies employed as well as lessons learned, in an attempt to understand what makes these courses the new cry in higher education. The authors ask whether the local, European, and international markets are ready to accept these massive, open learning environments and how the transfer and transformation of information occurs during exploits of massive collective intelligence. They address learning that is manifested inside social networks and this can be augmented through the sharing of knowledge within the global community. In this digital economy, the authors look at capturing and harvesting “open knowledge” using means that are accessible to all. Is academia ready for all of this? The authors propose an outline of a journey from the birth of MOOCs to their indicative future directions. The scope of this chapter is that of discussing the role of social networks and social applications in these massive courses, as the authors describe why they think this lies at the root of the courses’ success.

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