An Analysis of Biases in US Policing and Subsequent Media Coverage in Response to the Ferguson Shooting of 2014

Liam James Leonard (University of Winchester, UK)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 191
EISBN13: 9781668484708|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9668-5.ch009
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This chapter will examine the biases in the policing and subsequent media coverage in response to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St Louis, in 2014. This shooting has become a landmark case that highlight these biases that can have fatal consequences for young African-Americans. The list of cases of police shootings of African-Americans in controversial circumstances is a long and disturbing one and includes victims such as young Tamir Rice, and 12-year-old child shot by police while playing in the playground by his home, also in 2014. The chapter presents an analysis of issues in criminal justice, policing, the courts, and the media which occurred in this case. The shooting of Michael Brown can also be placed alongside the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020 as an example of biases in policing, which can have a fatal outcome for African-Americans in the United States.
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