Applications of Cheese Whey in Dairy Production Chains: Waste to Raw Material of High Value-Added Products

Mayara Mari Murata (University Pitágoras Unopar Anhanguera, Brazil), Josemeyre Bonifacio da Silva Marques (University Pitágoras Unopar Anhanguera, Brazil), Luiz Rodrigo Ito Morioka (University Pitágoras Unopar Anhanguera, Brazil), and Hélio Hiroshi Suguimoto (University Pitágoras Unopar Anhanguera, Brazil)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 235
EISBN13: 9798369300329|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5472-5.ch010
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Cheese whey is considered the main by-product obtained by the dairy industry and it is derived from coagulation during cheese production. Half of cheese whey production is used in well-established processes, like production of fresh products, animal feed, and a source of high-added-value compounds, such as whey protein and β-galactosidase. Unfortunately, the use of cheese whey as raw material requires expensive processes. Therefore, a high proportion of this product is wasted and discarded into industrial effluent treatment stations. Different research groups have been studying potential strategies to valorize cheese whey. The goal of this chapter is to present the main characteristics of cheese whey and introduce the possibilities of using this by-product for new biotechnological purposes. The challenge is the arrangement of these processing systems with the players involved in the dairy industry. A joint action between them can turn cheese whey waste into high-added-value products producing zero dairy waste and honoring environmental legislation and public policies.
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