Big-Bang ERP Implementation at a Global Company

Nava Pliskin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) and Marta Zarotski (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Copyright: © 2000 |Pages: 248
EISBN13: 9781599040790|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-878289-83-4.ch013
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Dead Sea Works is an international multi-firm producer of Potash and other chemicals whose sales for 1998 were about $500 million. In 1996, the Information Systems group convinced top management to pursue a big-bang ERP implementation of SAP R/3. To reduce project risk, risk management was practiced. First, only modules that matched the functionality of the then-existing systems were targeted, avoiding as much as possible software modifications and process reengineering. Second, a steering committee was set up to handle conflict resolution and set priorities throughout the project and top users were given responsibility with implementing modules within their respective functions. R/3 went into production on July 1, 1998, six months ahead of schedule and without exceeding the $4.95 million budget.
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