Breaking Through Barriers in New Technological Initiatives: Entrepreneurs in the Context of Free Software

José Antonio Ariza Montes (University of Córdoba, Spain), Alfonso Carlos Morales Gutiérrez (University of Córdoba, Spain), and Alfredo Romeo Molina (Blobject Founding Partner, Spain)
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 121
EISBN13: 9781613500286|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-612-9.ch005
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This work analyzes different factors in the entrepreneuring process in a company based in business opportunities advantages through the usage of free software in a technological context. Blobject connects opportunities for local development, usage of open source technologies, and new social trends in many consumers; tourists, in this case, as a example of respect for the environment and the desired “freedom and autonomy”. This company offers different products and services using ecologic vehicles (electric energy), ease-to-use, such as GEM Cars -equipped with a touch screen computer- and Tours in Segways. The studied case shows the integration process from different technologies that connect through digital infrastructure. In this way, GEM cars use the GPS technology for location within a digital assistant, multimedia power (touch screen computer and audios and videos) to show the tourist opportunities in an specific place, and the needed adaptation for the language diversity.
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