Case Study Analysis of a Team/Collaborative Model With Specific Learning Disabled Students

Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 240
EISBN13: 9781522595038|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8069-0.ch007
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This chapter focuses on specific learning disabilities (SLDs), which is the most common type of designated disability among school-aged students in the United States. SLD is a disability that can have devastating effects on a student's learning ability, as in the most severe cases, the SLD student may remember little, if anything, about what he or she has learned; may have difficulties focusing on even one thing; may not be able to read above an elementary level; and may live in isolation due to poor social and motivational skills. This chapter discusses the service delivery models for students who have SLD and provides two case studies of models that can be successful if implemented properly. Finally, the chapter presents intervention strategies to assist the general education teacher when working with students with SLD.
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