"Cross Talk": The Connected Stance of One Successful Student's Online Interactions

Susan J. Wegmann (University of Central Florida, USA)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 225
EISBN13: 9781613500149|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-942-7.ch015
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Asynchronous online discussions can be complex and fruitful, mimicking their face-to-face counterparts in undergraduate college classes. However, some researchers note a discrepancy in substance and interest levels between online and face-to-face discussions. This chapter describes the interactions of one thriving student in an asynchronous online course. It analyzes the student’s interactions with his peers, and uses these interactions to provide ways that online instructors can structure courses to optimize genuine and engaging online discourse. Additionally, it suggests that students and instructors who assume a Connected Stance show a depth of learning within the computer-mediated framework. Finally, it provides a unique format for analyzing online discussion boards.
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