Design-Based Research for Virtual Learning: A Holistic Perspective on the Pedagogical and Contextual Factors of Interactive Mobile Technology

Sonia Reneé Alvarado (Sam Houston State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 120
EISBN13: 9781668461921|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9168-0.ch006
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This design-based research dissertation study provides a holistic perspective on the pedagogical and contextual factors of interactive mobile technology on English learners. Specifically, the study explored current virtual technologies designed to model face-to-face EL instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic-prolonged school closures. After evaluating three cycles of interventions founded on Stephen Krashen's and Lev Vygotsky's language learning theories and utilizing a teacher survey and researcher observations, the study identified an onslaught of key takeaways including the need for investment of necessary infrastructure, ed-tech policies and standards, and comprehensive pedagogical frameworks to effectively operationalize virtual learning and leverage best practices of interactive mobile technology. The study discusses the impact of the sudden shift in educational contexts and provides suggestions for overcoming challenges in educational technology integration within the computer-assisted language learning contexts.
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