Discovering Ways That Don’t Work on the Road to Success: Strengths and Weaknesses Revealed by an Active Learning Studio Classroom Project

Tawnya Means (University of Florida, USA), Eric Olson (University of Florida, USA), and Joey Spooner (American Association for the Advancement of Science, USA)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 113
EISBN13: 9781466648371|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4237-9.ch006
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Educational technology projects undertaken by higher education institutions range in complexity, scope, and impact. The Edison project created a sophisticated studio classroom that supports active learning teaching methods for both local and distant students. The team undertaking this complex project was composed of information technology and instructional design professionals with no real background in formal project management techniques. The team soon discovered that intuition and organic processes for implementing a complex project with increasing scope resulted in risks and challenges that threatened the success and potential impact of the project. The project team learned valuable lessons about the need for a systematic project management process. This case shares the project details, major accomplishments, and lessons learned by the team through the Active Learning Studio classroom (Edison) project.
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