Effectiveness of Interactivity for Enhanced Undergraduate Learning

Chris Evans (Brunel University, UK) and Luis Palacios (Brunel University, UK)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 375
EISBN13: 9781609602949|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-749-7.ch020
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This study focuses on how Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) can best be used by Brunel University students to enhance their learning. The study considers the impact that different levels of interactivity have on the memory and understanding of the students. In particular, it considers the use of interactive self-assessment questions (ISAQs) as a mechanism to help them learn from an eLearning system. One mechanism that has been employed for over four years is the use of a bespoke multimedia eLearning system available over the Web to first-year undergraduates. A common feature of many eLearning systems is the use of ISAQs to allow students to evaluate their grasp of the material with a view to revisiting it if they feel it necessary. However, ISAQs are time-consuming to develop and implement. This case study considers whether the incorporation of ISAQs has a measurable impact on learning as indicated by their performance in tests.
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