The Effects of E-learning on African American Males: Three Case Studies

Tammy J. Graham (The Citadel School of Education, USA) and Stephenie M. Hewett (The Citadel School of Education, USA)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 208
EISBN13: 9781613500132|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-942-7.ch014
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The chapter examines the experiences of three African American males who were placed in an electronic learning (e-learning) classroom in a rural secondary school. The three case studies provide detailed descriptions of the young men’s backgrounds, educational experiences, and academic achievement results before the implementation of e-learning. Furthermore, the case studies detail their academic achievement results and dispositions during the e-learning process, pitfalls of their e-learning program, and lessons learned from the implementation of the program. It is the authors’ hope that educators and business professionals will utilize the information and lessons learned in this chapter when planning and implementing e-learning classes and trainings in order to enhance e-learning experiences for African American males.
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