Evidencing Quality: Using the Sloan-C Quality Scorecard

Kaye Shelton (Lamar University, USA), Karen L. Pedersen (Northern Arizona University, USA), and Lisa A. Holstrom (Academic Partnerships, USA)
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 414
EISBN13: 9781466659360|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5051-0.ch020
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In an era of tightening institutional budgets, ever increasing online enrollments and greater calls for accountability from multiple directions, the need for online program administrators to continually assess the quality of their overall operations has never been greater. But even vigilant administrators have had difficulty defining “quality” and were unable to benchmark to other programs, as standards for quality varied. To address this daunting task, a research-based standard assessment tool known as the Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Education Programs was developed. The primary goals of this case are to Provide a brief overview of the scorecard highlighting the key areas of the quality indicators and the scoring protocol and present practical applications for this research-based assessment tool as evidenced through the administration of the scorecard by three online administrators at four institutions. By focusing on the ways in which different administrators at diverse institutions (public and private, large and small) used the Quality Scorecard to benchmark their online operations against a standard, we are able to illustrate how continuous improvement opportunities, impacting on both learning effectiveness and program improvement, can be implemented at the program or institutional level.
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