Gender Equality as a Development Factor in the Application of ICT for Agro-Forestry

Wapula Raditloaneng (University of Botswana, Botswana)
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 133
EISBN13: 9781466602236|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-117-1.ch012
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Agriculture continues to be the backbone of peasant economy and a source of subsistence in Botswana, and as such, innovative agricultural programs are introduced to benefit villagers. The case described in this chapter is that of Gamolele/Gakgatla watershed agro-forestry project, whose goal was to raise awareness of the existence of the six hectare plot and how it could be turned into viable agro-forestry and horticulture ventures mainly for sources of livelihood for community and its neighborhood. Technologies used during the life of the project included a computer and other modern ways of planting. Participants emerged with survival skills like knowledge of planting in rows, transplanting of seedlings and harvesting in rows, medicinal plants production, harnessing, and promotion of growing healthy foods by seasons. Participants learned to manage, use, and maintain technology by quick fixes or taking it to experts for more complex troubleshooting and final repairs. Overall, the emphasis was on attracting women to be part of experiencing using ICT in agro- forestry businesses, and this project successfully did this. This chapter thus shares experiences and lessons learned from the involvement of women together with challenges facing their involvement.
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