Impact, Reaction, and Learning From Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis: Cases From Small-Scale Businesses in Bangladesh

Saptarshi Dhar (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh), Tahira Farzana (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh), and Sabiha Saju Ibne Abedin (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 51
EISBN13: 9781668437223|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7657-1.ch002
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The COVID-19 pandemic has created devastating consequences for all businesses globally, including the small businesses in Bangladesh. The small business sector in Bangladesh is a key driver of its economic growth and has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic due to its pre-existing vulnerabilities and lower resilience to crisis. This chapter investigates the impact of COVID-19 on small-scale businesses, their subsequent response measures, and learning experiences that have created a route to resilience. A qualitative investigation on six small-scale enterprises across manufacturing and service areas was included in the study. The cases covered fashion and clothing and organic food and beverage businesses. The findings of the study suggest that the impacts of the pandemic are primarily financial, operational and supply chain, and logistical in nature. The policymakers need to take urgent measures to ensure the sustainability of this sector amid the ongoing pandemic.
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