Infusing 21st Century Skills in a Smart Learning Environment for Secondary Mathematics Classrooms

Steve Carlisle Warner (The University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago)
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 116
EISBN13: 9781522591191|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6136-1.ch007
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The main objective of this chapter is to demonstrate how an instructional model, 2T2C, was used to infuse 21st century skills in the teaching of secondary school mathematics using a smart learning environment (SLE). It was imperative that cooperative and collaborating learning methodologies were included in the teaching model to ensure peer/teacher interaction to enhance student communication, the infusion of high-order thinking skills to guarantee that students can solve real-world problems and think at higher cognitive levels, the introduction of self-efficacy sessions to ensure that all students have the confidence and self-esteem to believe and have the self-assurance to solve mathematical real-world problems and take responsibility for their own learning, and the infusion of technology as a resource in the teaching and learning process: hence, 2T2C (thinking, technology, communication, and confidence). The scenarios presented highlighted the need for communication, high-level cognitive objectives, multiple evaluation practices, and thinking as key to the learning process.
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