Mobile Technology in the Classroom

Jimmy Barnes (Jacksonville State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 220
EISBN13: 9781466617230|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0068-3.ch008
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Today’s educators must deal with a tremendous gap between how students live and how they learn. While technology is a vital part of most students’ lives, their schools frequently fall critically behind in utilizing these emerging technologies for educational purposes. As new technologies become available, educators have tried with varying degrees of success to incorporate these technologies into the curriculum. Individual computers in classrooms were tried first and while they have shown themselves to be beneficial in the classroom, their applications are limited. Computer labs have also proved to be problematic in terms of cost and their availability is limited by scheduling issues. Laptop computers have addressed a number of the problems associated with desktop computers, but there are still many issues which limit their effectiveness. Mobile handheld technology is the latest evolution of personal computing and it has demonstrated that these new devices have the power to transition occasional, supplemental use of computers for instruction to more frequent use allowing educators to make them an integral part of the curriculum.
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