The National Spatial Database Infrastructure (NSDI) in the Context of E-Governance Initiatives in Botswana

Joyce Gosata Maphanyane (University of Botswana, Botswana)
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 172
EISBN13: 9781466602267|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-117-1.ch015
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The National Spatial Database Infrastructure (NSDI) is presented in this chapter as ideal for sharing information that can help improve the lives of citizens. It takes into consideration technologies, policies, and people as necessary resources to promote sharing of geospatial data at all levels of government, private, and academic community. To this effect, the government of Botswana has a service portal where anyone, anywhere in the world who is networked can use it. NSDI is part of this portal. This chapter presents NSDI as a mitigation tool for e-governance in the monitoring of natural resource like deforestations and land for agriculture. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture use NSDI to help farmers to locate the best soils suitable for certain types of crops like land suitability for rainfed crops. The Department of Geological Survey uses it for monitoring and assessing for mineral prospects in the country. The Botswana Defence Force could employ it for poaching or for wildlife movement surveillances. Challenges to the use of NSDI include low level of literacy, lack of technical knowhow and communication framework necessary for NSDI building. This leads to some stakeholders being excluded in the planning and access of the technology.
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