Performance Improvement: HPT Model

Darlene M. Van Tiem (Capella University, USA & University of Michigan – Dearborn, USA) and Nancy Crain Burns (Crain Burns Associates LLC, USA & International Society for Performance Improvement, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 9
EISBN13: 9781799865780|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3673-5.ch001
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The human performance technology model represents the processes used by performance improvement practitioners while accomplishing their results. Performance improvement efforts begin with a performance analysis or need or opportunity; intervention selection, design, and development; intervention implementation and maintenance; and evaluation. This description seems daunting and tedious, but it is flexible. It is a guide with adaptations. The process is not closed with feedback all along enabling corrections and changes based on findings and new information. The process is not lock-step and can have adjustments as appropriate. This case studies the HTP model.
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