Providing Services to Students With Special Needs Across Various Settings

Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 43
EISBN13: 9781522594970|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8069-0.ch001
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This chapter focuses on the past and present of educating students with special education needs. Historically, these children were shunned, were the victims of credulity, and were sometimes even killed simply because they learned differently than the rest of the human race. The chapter includes an overview of the various laws and court cases that helped to shape special education as we know it today, as well as a discussion of a variety of educational models in which special education students can be educated depending on their needs. These models include a range of environments, from home-based programs to inclusion with peers for either the entire school day or part of it to a specialized school. The chapter also includes a discussion on ethics and thoughts about what the future may hold for the field of special education. Finally, the chapter presents a way to evaluate any service delivery model using the program evaluation theory.
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