Servant Leadership in the Context of Management Techniques and Management Personalities

Jametria Rae Floyd (Georgia Gwinnett College, USA)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 146
EISBN13: 9781668487082|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5812-9.ch008
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Servant leadership style is a method best suited for leaders to achieve the collective goals. Leaders prioritize their organizational and employee needs over their own. The model aims to achieve a particular vision or objective by providing strong support to its employees. The model helps with the notion of a leader being empathetic towards its employees and their needs and requirements to unleash their full potential and improve overall productivity and efficiency. However, the guidelines of this model can be practiced outside of a working environment. It is especially of use in the education sector where the teacher-student relationship is prioritized as a teacher is only good if he/she understands the needs of her students and puts themselves in their shoes. Moreover, emotional intelligence is promoted through a servant leadership style. The education sector is also a service. Therefore, the nature of management style used integral. The student-teacher dynamic calls for empathetic attitudes to understand the problems faced by students holistically.
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