Strengths and Challenges of Digital Tools in EAP Remote Learning Settings

Shereen Seoudi (Ryerson University, Canada) and Alanna Carter (McMaster University, Canada)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 150
EISBN13: 9781668457832|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9004-1.ch006
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The recent and significant increase in online and virtual learning has had major impacts on all learning environments, including EAP classrooms and programs. As more courses are offered in virtual and online formats, students can participate in EAP courses across time zones and locations. Digital tools are essential to these learning environments in order to share materials and host lessons. Digital tools can be difficult to incorporate in courses and lessons due to instructor and student lack of familiarity with tools and associated costs. However, when implemented with purpose and care and in conjunction with guiding pedagogical frameworks, digital tools can engage and motivate learners, contribute to a sense of community, support varied learning needs and preferences, and ensure EAP programs remain relevant in an increasingly digital world.
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