Support Process Aligned With a Maintenance Management Model

Armando Eugenio Vittorangeli (Armada, Argentina)
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 107
EISBN13: 9781668443927|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7943-5.ch004
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Most companies focus their thinking on the production system's assets, those that generate profits, and rarely look to the periphery, to the enabling systems, those that carry out the effort in order that the production department can continue to do its job, those that provide the “support” to the system. What is “supportability”? It is not a widespread term; it is in fact associated to “maintenance logistics,” and this is only the simplest of its meanings, when in reality it crosses horizontally the whole organization, it is transversal to the MGM model, and it is present in all of the phases of assets and systems' life cycle. Throughout the chapter, different concepts will be developed to show how support is integrated into the proposed maintenance management model (MMM) at each stage of the asset life cycle and how it impacts their costs.
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