Technophobe to Technophile…Entering the Internet Culture

Pamela L. Anderson-Mejías (The University of Texas—Pan American, USA)
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 121
EISBN13: 9781613500071|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-942-7.ch008
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This chapter describes a successful means of introducing returning, older students to online education in a university setting. After presenting basic background from the literature on retention within online classes, the case is presented in detail as to how 16 fearful learners became confident and successful through the instructor’s taking time for preparation, establishing a sense of achievement using the technology, creating interconnections with peers, and demonstrating the usefulness of the virtual class over the face-to-face class. The author hopes that by describing in detail the case and the principles found, future educators can prepare their traditional students for the culture of virtual learning environments, thus expanding options for their programs while addressing university administrative concerns about student retention.
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