The Flow System: Practitioner Tools for Navigating Complexity

John R. Turner (University of North Texas, USA), Nigel Thurlow (The Flow Consortium, USA), and Brian Rivera (The Flow Consortium, USA)
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 273
EISBN13: 9781799865919|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3673-5.ch014
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This chapter provides an overview of techniques, tools, and methods for organizations to manage and operate in today's complexity. Current literature is lacking in providing techniques and tools for organizations to operate in complex environments. This gap in the literature is especially troubling for practitioners who are trying to learn and apply new tools to support their customers in implementing new innovation initiatives. The techniques, tools, and methods provided in this chapter were derived from a joint effort from academia, industry, and the Navy. This juxtaposition of tools and practices provides a praxis that ranges from creativity, innovation, performance improvement, organization development, organizational improvement, and organizational transformation.
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