The Method of Applying Knowledge Management to Lean in Emergency Care Units

Christiane Lima Barbosa (Federal University of Para, Brazil), Adalberto da Cruz Lima (Federal University of Para, Brazil), Maria Helena Teixeira da Silva (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil), Milena Estanislau Diniz Mansur dos Reis (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil), and Harvey José Santos Ribeiro Cosenza (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil)
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 204
EISBN13: 9781668484449|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5185-4.ch011
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This chapter analyzes Lean interventions in emergency care units (ECUs) with a focus on learning theory and knowledge management. The use of data served to understand the effectiveness of Lean methodology in transforming knowledge in ECUs. The method was a systematic and descriptive ex-post survey in the Lean project database, quantitative, and qualitative analysis aiming to establish relationships between the foci. The virtual platform is an effective tool for dissemination and generates reliable answers for analysis and decision making. The benefits of interventions through the use of Lean tools are unquestionable, visible, and useful for the daily life of the units. However, the internalization of the Lean culture for permanence and improvements is a point of attention as well as the content, form, and conduction of the actions. Committed people, management by processes, Lean flows, shared information, and agile communication are guarantees for the transformation and consolidation of the improvements.
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