Using the AMC Anywhere Web-Based Assessment System to Examine Primary Students' Understanding of Number Sense

Christie Sullivan Martin (University of South Carolina, USA) and Drew Polly (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 377
EISBN13: 9781466681040|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6497-5.ch018
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This chapter discusses how technology can be used to support formative assessment in primary grades mathematics classrooms. There is a specific focus on how technology can assist teachers in conducting formative assessment, how technology may be used to better understand the data produced from regularly engaging in this type of assessment, and how teachers use the data to individualize lesson planning to increase student learning. The chapter specifically examines the Assessing Mathematics Concepts (AMC) Anywhere Web-based assessment tool. This chapter describes a composite kindergarten classroom. This example is intended to illustrate the entire cyclical process of assessing students, analyzing data, and planning and implementing instruction based on the data. The chapter concludes with a discussion and implications for professional development and future instruction.
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