Web-Based Instruction: A Case Study of Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Efficacy in Modeling and Reasoning with Fractions

Cheng-Yao Lin (Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA), Fenqjen Luo (Montana State University Bozeman, USA), and Jane-Jane Lo (Western Michigan University, USA)
Copyright: © 2012 |Pages: 203
EISBN13: 9781466616936|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-492-5.ch029
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This case study explored the efficacy of web-based instruction on preservice elementary teachers’ mathematics learning. Web-based instruction is appealing to many schools in urban settings because it helps them to face the two big challenges most akin to their schools: to motivate students’ interests and to meet the diverse students needs with its interactive feature and adaptive capability. Ten preservice elementary teachers were interviewed regarding their ability to model and reason with fractions after receiving web-based instruction on these topics in their regular mathematics method course. The interview transcripts were used to provide information about the strength and weakness of participants’ conceptual and procedural understanding of fractions. The findings of this case study identify promises and challenges in supporting the recommendations of many national reports, such as the NCTM Professional Standards for School Mathematics (2000) and the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008), in incorporating technology into the compulsory mathematics classrooms.
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